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What Is Wmi?

Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) allows yous to work API calls to command systems together with services on Microsoft Windows 10 (also from Windows XP) through models Win32_LogicalDisk together with Win32_Process. You tin dismiss work WMI to command local together with remote machines. WMI is available for all Windows' versions.

Some of the tasks that yous tin dismiss undertake amongst WMI are,

Start a procedure on a remote computer.
Schedule a procedure to run at specific times on specific days.
Reboot a calculator remotely.
Get a listing of applications installed on a local or remote computer.
Query the Windows number logs on a local or remote calculator or multiple computers amongst a unmarried command.

You access  WMI locally together with remotely using the interactive command WMIC inwards command-line every bit follows:
Now yous tin dismiss encounter what WMI is close using the attention flag /? every bit follows:
wmic:root\cli> /?
[global switches]
The next global switches are available:
/NAMESPACE           Path for the namespace the alias piece of work against.
/ROLE                Path for the purpose containing the alias definitions.
/NODE                Servers the alias volition piece of work against.
/IMPLEVEL            Client impersonation level.
/AUTHLEVEL           Client authentication level.
/LOCALE              Language id the customer should use.
/PRIVILEGES          Enable or disable all privileges.
/TRACE               Outputs debugging data to stderr.
/RECORD              Logs all input commands together with output.
/INTERACTIVE         Sets or resets the interactive mode.
/FAILFAST            Sets or resets the FailFast mode.
/USER                User to hold upwards used during the session.
/PASSWORD            Password to hold upwards used for session login.
/OUTPUT              Specifies the trend for output redirection.
/APPEND              Specifies the trend for output redirection.
/AGGREGATE           Sets or resets aggregate mode.
/AUTHORITY           Specifies the for the connection.
/?[:]    Usage information.

For to a greater extent than data on a specific global switch, type: switch-name /?

The next alias/es are available inwards the electrical flow role:
ALIAS                    - Access to the aliases available on the local system
Press whatever fundamental to continue, or press the ESCAPE fundamental to stop

Refer to this source for to a greater extent than information:


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